
Protest Action – News Reporting

Following our successful march outside parliament on 17 March 2022, there was great coverage via Social and traditional Media. Two examples follow: The Cape Times reported on the protest here: ECD protest outside parliament to demand relief funds (iol.co.za), NEWS24 reported on the protest here: ‘Where is the money?’: Preschools and daycares protest over stimulus fund non-payment | Life (news24.com) and GroundUp reported on the protest here: Crèche owners protest at Parliament, demanding outstanding grants | GroundUp. #PayTheECDReliefFunds

Protest Action

On 24 February 2022, the National Department of Social Development revealed that only R216 million had been paid out to 58,000 ECD workers in 12 months (less than 50% of the total fund). DSD has less than a month to pay over R250 million to outstanding applicants. This must take place by 31 March 2022, otherwise DSD loses the money, and the ECD sector is left to crumble. As such, the Centre for Early Childhood Development is organising a protest at Parliament, taking place on 17 March 2022. For those supporters who are in other provinces or not able to join in person, pickets throughout the country are encouraged; with coverage via Social and traditional Media. Click on the image on the right to enlarge.

Protest Alert

Please click on the image on the right to read important information about what to remember on the day of the protest. As part of the protest we are creating a wall of building blocks; showing all the things that are built on ECD. For this, please bring a small block or box (Lego, wood block, cardboard box, recyclable box, old cereal box, matchbox, etc.) and write a word on it of something you think emerges from ECD. For example: equality, jobs, health, wellbeing, wealth, success, employment, prosperity, etc.

Join the protest to urge DSD to #PayTheECDStimulusReliefFunds now and in full, before it is too late. Thursday 17 March. 12pm to 2pm Outside Parliament www.bit.ly/3CeUq4o Click on the image on the right to enlarge.

Open Letter
On 18 February, CECD sent Lindiwe Zulu, Minister of DSD, a third open letter, urging for immediate payment of funds, before the financial year-end on 31 March 2022. Read the full letter here: Open Letter to Lindiwe Zulu.

PayTheECDFunds Petition
To coincide with the release of the open letter sent to Minister Lindiwe Zulu, CECD launched an online petition for the ECD community to show their support in calling the Minister to action! You can sign the petition here: Pay The ECD Relief Funds Petition

Past Protest Action
Given the appalling (virtually non-existent) roll out of the ECD Employment Stimulus Relief Fund package, we asked all ECD stakeholders to join us in putting pressure on provincial DSD, across South Africa by taking part in our national protest, which took place across the country, on Wednesday 12 May, Thursday 13 May, & Friday 14 May.
See below for all details of the protest (click on the image to enlarge), or download the full set of posters here.


Watch a video we sent to Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, showing the Protest Action that took place across South Africa.

Huge thanks to every individual, and all the ECD centres, that made the effort to make a sign, organise a group, stand outside, and make your voices heard!


Media Coverage:

To read more about the current crisis, follow these links:

  • CECD’s Press Release in Response to DSD’s Media Statement issued on 12 May 2021
  • CECD’s Open Letter to Lindiwe Zulu, Minister of DSD, urging for immediate payment of funds.
  • CECD’s press release publicising the open letter we sent to DSD and Minister Lindewe Zulu.
  • Video exposing how DSD missed the 31 March deadline for ECD Stimulus Relief Fund payments.
  • CECD’s OP ED unpacking the situation & calling on Minister Lindiwe Zulu to act!

Some of the Photos Shared On Social Media:

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